我們剛剛參加完在拉托維亞里加市召會,為三位福音行動後車禍喪身的弟兄所舉行的的追念聚會。我們在其中所經歷的榮耀,真是筆墨難以形容。這三位弟兄(一位才二十歲,另兩位都是三十幾歲)於 二月十一日 ,即主日傍晚,在一次不幸的車禍中,驟然離我們而去。事發當時,是他們結束了在愛沙尼亞首都塔林市數週的福音行動後,正在驅車回家的途中。他們在已過的一整個月中,放下工作,暫離家人,全程參與了在塔林市的福音行動。
(Victor D)在屬靈的含意上,這三位弟兄都是他的兒子,他的損失是何等的大!但他仍然駐留在復活的生命中,不停地吸入主的自己。他的妻子,這位二十歲弟兄的母親,也是靠著復活的生命而活。
(Victor K)
Dear Saints,
We have just returned from the memorial meeting for our three brothers in Riga , Latvia . The glory we experienced in our time there was indescribable.
Our brothers--one just 20 years old, the other two in their 30’ s--were taken from us suddenly, in a tragic car accident, on the evening of the Lord’s Day, February 11th. They were returning from Tallinn, Estonia, where they had been participating in the gospel move for the past several weeks. Leaving jobs and families, they had given the past month to participate in the gospel move there.
All three brothers were absolutely consecrated to the Lord and to the church.
During the funeral and memorial meeting there was grieving, but the glory of the resurrection life was sustaining and upholding all of us. Saint after saint testified to the preciousness of these three brothers and to the reality in their living and in their service to the Lord. Our sense was that the Lord had taken them. They were ready, they were overcoming, they were precious to Him, and He took them. They overcame because of the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death.
Their going to the Lord is an offering, and the result is being manifested in His Body. The church in Riga is an overcoming church. One brother has lost his son. In a spiritual sense all three brothers were his sons. His loss is great. But he is remaining in resurrection, unceasingly breathing in the Lord. His wife, the mother of the 20-year-old brother, is living by the resurrection life.
Two sisters have lost their husbands; seven children their fathers. Both sisters were in the meetings. They both were enabled by the Lord's grace to speak strongly concerning their husbands' lives before the Lord. They realized that this offering was for the building up of the Body for the Lord’s soon return. The reality of the resurrection life shined from them. In nothing they were put to shame, but rather Christ is being magnified in them.
This loss and this gain is a matter for the whole Body, not just the church in Riga. These saints need the Body to pray for them and to support them in every way possible. These two sisters are now single moms, and the church there needs all of us to stand with them and to supply them.
The couple who lost their son is Ivan (e-VON) and Nadia. The two sisters are Renata and Zhana. Solvita, who survived the accident, is now in the hospital in Riga with broken bones but no spinal injury. She is shining in the resurrection life. May the Lord remind us all to pray for them. Also pray for the new brothers in Tallinn and in Daugaphils, Latvia. At least two newly saved ones, fruit of the gospel move, were in the memorial meeting.
The memorial meeting will be available on the website of the church in Riga. The address is: www.churchinriga.lv