My Testimony
Hello, my name is Ruth. I am twelve years old and I have been in Moscow for 10 years. My dad is a missionary in Russia and Middle Asia with a mission called” Lord’s Move in Europe ”.
I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was old enough to understand the story of Jesus. I accepted Him because I know the Truth, and plus I have been told Jesus was the Savior all my life. I believe serving God is good for me and my family because we are serving the one and only God. Doesn’t it feel better when you know that you are serving the one true King? I do.
The story from the Bible that made me think is the story of Ruth. The Bible talked about Ruth’s love for Naomi and faith for God. She did not stay in her homeland like Naomi told her to. Instead, she begged to go with Naomi. This story has influenced my life by adding my faith to Jesus, and I tried to add more but couldn’t. I worry too much. I think being a Christian means serving the Lord. Martyrs, I think, are the ones that serve God the most. They did not just serve Jesus; they served Him so much that they are willing to die for Him. Now, I do not mean other Christians do not serve the Lord, other Christians serve the Lord as well, a lot. God helps me in special ways.
An example would be the time when my family and I were going back to
Taiwan. When we got to the airport, we surprisingly found out that our flight has no more seats for us. We were shocked. Mom was sure she had ordered seats for us. Anyway, we waited at the airport. While we waited, I prayed so hard that my hands hurt from clutching them so hard. After I prayed, Mr. Huang, the man that helped us with our flight, came and said that he found another airline with extra seats. So, it turned out that we got on my favorite airline, the KLM, and we stayed one night in a hotel in Amsterdam , Holland .
We went on a tour the next day and got on the China Airline later on that day. After we got to Taiwan , we found out that the airlines made a mistake, so our seat got cancelled. God helped us to safely come to Taiwan , He helped us get a flight. God is amazing.
Ephesians 6:18a “ And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” This is meaningful to me because it reminds me to pray all the time, no matter what happens. When I grow up, I want to serve the Lord just like my dad. I want to give my life to Jesus, to be a martyr for Him. I want to live my life with all my worries in Jesus’ hands. Yes, this is what I’ll do.
Praise the Lord forever! Amen.